Marc Clopton
Marc Clopton founded the Actors Studio of Newburyport in 1991 and has been teaching locally since then. His drama teaching credentials also include: The Acadamy of Television Arts & Sciences Performance Group at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA; Gene Bua’s Acting for Life in Burbank, CA; the UCLA Adult Education Progam; and his own studio classes in Los Angeles.
Marc’s directional credits include: Harold Pinter’s “Betrayal,” Bernard Pomerance’s “The Elephant Man,” Tennesee William’s “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” Steve Faria’s comedy “Sense” and musical “Things That Matter,” Linda Goodman’s “Daughter’s of the Appalachians,” de Ghelderode’s “The Women at the Tomb,” and Deborah Vine’s “Love, That Four-letter Word.”
Marc performed at the Player’s Club in Manhattan in Bud Schulberg’s rewrite of “The Disenchanted,” the glamorous script about the life of Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald.