How much can a play reveal in ten minutes? This workshop offers you a chance to find out. Over the course of five sessions, we will consider the ten-minute play; understand it’s form, structure, source/inspiration, and the liberating opportunity it presents for cultural commentary. Add in, character development, conflict and conflict resolution to draft your own, original 10 minute play, in partnership or individually. The plays created will be given a staged reading at The Actors Studio in Newburyport at the conclusion of the workshop. The only requirement for participation is interest, writing implements, and a desire to stretch one’s self. Experienced, new, and non-writers are welcome!
Playwright, Bruce Menin, continues this fun and engrossing ten-minute playwriting intensive.
7 pm Tuesdays, January 28 – February 25 – PLEASE NOTE CLASSES WILL BE HELD at ACTING OUT PRODUCTIONS (next door)
Performance date: Saturday, February 29, 8 pm – at The Studio (open to the public with a $10 suggested donation)
Fee: $125 Sign Up
Call 978-465-1229 or e-mail to register.
Also – See Classes page for details.