Classes & Workshops

The Studio is traditional in its cultivation of theatrical arts and extraordinary in its embrace of personal growth, creative expression and the exploration and open discussion of ideas. The philosophical foundation of all classes is based on creating a safe environment and the belief that everyone comes to class fully equipped to succeed. 



Ongoing cold reading classes……………. With founder Marc Clopton
for details, see Ongoing Cold Reading Classes

Improvisation…………..Develop spontaneity, trust, & story building
for details, see Improv   

Scene Study………………………. Explore text, environment, & social context
for details, see Scene Study – Evenings   or   Scene Study – Daytime

Writing the Ten Minute Play………………. Developing a 10-minute play
for details, see Writing the Ten Minute Play

Audition / Monologue …………………  Solo performance
for details, see Audition/Monologue Workshop

Script Analysis………………. Explore writer, director & actor perspectives
for details, see Script Analysis Workshop

Coaching Sessions……………………. With founder Marc Clopton 
for inquiries, call 978-465-1229 or e-mail Marc at 

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